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Roger Soucy

CFG Founder 
Roger Soucy

Roger is the founder of Crystal Forge Games and has been creating, playing, and running tabletop role-playing games for more than thirty years. As an artist, programmer, and writer, he is using his passion for gaming to create unique accessories, tools, and resources for the gaming community.

  • AD&D (2nd Edition)
  • Call of Cthulhu
  • Champions
  • D&D (3.5 Edition)
  • D&D (3rd Edition)
  • D&D (5th Edition)
  • D20 System
  • Magic: the Gathering
  • Palladium RPG
  • Pathfinder
  • Pathfinder 2E
  • Shadowrun
  • Star Wars RPG
  • Vampire: 5E
  • Vampire: the Masquerade
  • World of Darkness

Posts by Roger

The Known, the Unknown, and Chaos

The Known, the Unknown, and Chaos

Being a game master is a lot of work, often a lot of thankless work. We spend hours, days, and even weeks putting together adventures and content for our games, only for everything to go off the rails. Everyone is different, and while some try to plan for every contingency, others thrive on the chaos. How we react to the chaos defines who we are as game masters.

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Handling a Player Death

Handling a Player Death

In all my years of gaming, it never occurred to me that this would be an article I would write. As you and your players get older, this sort of thing becomes more likely, but truthfully it can happen to anyone. So how do we handle it when one of our players suddenly and unexpectedly passes away?

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Enemies, Levels, and Challenge Ratings

Enemies, Levels, and Challenge Ratings

In an ideal world, the enemies we add to our adventures fit the story, but finding enemies to fit the encounter level and story can be difficult. Encounter levels and challenge ratings are meant to help, but there's probably a better way to use enemies that fit the story with minimal effort. In this article, we look at a couple of potential ideas for a different way of dealing with enemy levels, difficulty, and challenge ratings.

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Updates Planned for 2022 and Beyond

Updates Planned for 2022 and Beyond

Now that we're getting some exposure and have had a chance to iron out some of our launch bugs, we wanted to talk a bit about our plans for the future. These are still early days, so we don't currently have timing for these updates, but this is what we're planning to add over the coming months and years.

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Fudging, When to Do It, and Why

Fudging, When to Do It, and Why

Ask any game master, and you'll likely get a different answer on whether fudging dice rolls is good or bad and whether or not they do it. Most game masters and players fudge an occasional role, sometimes it's ok, and sometimes it's not. In this article, we talk about player and GM fudging, when it's appropriate, and when it's not.

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