Let the Adventure Begin
Recent Articles

What's in a Name?
One of the things that often causes anxiety is what to name our characters. Game Masters often have to come up with unique names on the fly, and without something prepared or sudden inspiration, they may be left with generic NPCs like "Bob the Barkeep." That's where name generators can help. In this article, we take an in-depth look at how we approach name generation.

Prophecy as a Plot Device
A well-crafted prophecy can add depth and mystery to your campaign while providing exciting challenges for your players to unravel, but what makes a good prophecy? This blog post will explore creating prophecies for tabletop RPGs, including how to create prophecies specific to characters and antagonists and how to keep the mystery in the prophecy.
Online Tools
Dice Roller
Roll digital dice with
our online dice pool.
Campaign Calendar
Track days, moons, and
weather in the campaign.
Combat Tracker
Track combat order
while you play.
Content Generator
Generate endless random
content for your story.