Dungeon Generator
About DunGen
DunGen is a random dungeon generator for creating unique dungeon maps for use in tabletop gaming. Designed to create maps that can be used in dungeon crawls, adventure design, or for GM inspiration.
This tool is copyright © 2009-2025 Crystal Forge Games, LLC. All rights reserved.
Using DunGen
Generating a Map
To generate a map, click the button labeled "Generate Dungeon" below the option fields. This will generate a new map which will be displayed below the form.
Saving Maps
In your browser you can right click the generate map and select "Save Image As" from the browser menu. The map will be downloaded as an image file, which you can use in a virtual table top (VTT) or edit in an image editing program.
If you plan on using a generated map directly in a VTT such as Roll20™, set the cell size to the default grid size of your VTT. In Roll20, for exmple, you should set the cell size to 70 pixels. Your VTT should have instructions on how to load maps and what their default grid size is set to.
Users can share the DunGen tool with friends via the social network links in the share dialog. Additionally, a custom link is provided for users to share a specific generated map with others. Anyone using the provided link and seed will see the same map that was most recently generated. This allows GMs to share a map with their players, observers, or other GMs.
To share your map, select "Share" and copy the link in the dialog that appears. You can send this link to anyone you wish to view the map. Note that sharing maps will not include any visibility settings that may have been set such as visibility of traps or secret doors. Sharing a map with another subscriber, however, will not remove their ability to view such items.
Map Options
Generated maps are configurable with some basic settings for size and style. Some settings will update the existing map, while others will only affect the next map that is generated, as outlined below.
Map Width and Height
Each map is made up of a number of cells in a grid (generally representing a 5 foot space). The pixel width and height of the generated map will be the width and height in cells multiplied by the cell size in pixels.
To set the width of the map (in number of cells), enter a number in the field labeled "Width (Cells)".
To set the height of the map (in number of cells), enter a number in the field labeled "Height (Cells)".
Since this changes the layout of the map, changing these values requires a new map to be generated.
Cell Size
Each cell in the grid has a set width and height which defines the overall map size. Using a smaller number for the cell size will reduce the size of the map and allow a larger number of map cells to fit on screen. Using a larger number will increase the overall size of the map image.
Changing this option will update the current map, so you can use a small size to see the whole map, then change this value to save a larger map. To set the pixel width and height of the cells, enter a positive number in the field labeled "Cell Size (px)".
Seed Value
This shows the current seed used to generate the map, if you like a map but want to keep trying new maps, just note down the seed value. You can change this field to enter a specific seed value to create a new map or use a saved seed to recreate a previously generated map. Note that for any given seed value, if the map or room sizes are different, the map will be different as well.
To use a different seed value, enter the new (numeric) value into the seed value field, and then click generate to create a new map based on that seed.
Since this changes the layout of the map, changing this value requires a new map to be generated.
Minimum Room Sizes
The minimum room size defines the minimum width and height of an open room in cells. The default value is set to 3 cells by 3 cells, meaning no rooms will be generated that are less than 3 cells wide or 3 cells high. On a map where each cell represents a 5 foot space, this limits rooms to a minimum of 15 feet by 15 feet.
To set the minimum width and height of "rooms", enter positive numbers in the field labeled "Min Room Size".
The first number is the minimum width and the second number is the minimum height.
Since this changes the layout of the map, changing these values requires a new map to be generated.
Maximum Room Sizes
The maximum room size functions exactly like the minimum room size, but defines an upper limit to the room size. The default value is set to 10 cells by 10 cells, meaning no rooms will be generated that are more than 10 cells wide or 10 cells high. On a map where each cell represents a 5 foot space, this limits rooms to a maximum of 50 feet by 50 feet. Larger maximum rooms generally means that fewer rooms will appear on the map (due to limited space).
To set the maximum width and height of "rooms", enter positive numbers in the field labeled "Max Room Size".
The first number is the maximum width and the second number is the maximum height.
Since this changes the layout of the map, changing these values requires a new map to be generated.
Grid Overlay
The grid overlay paints a square grid on the map which shows the individual cells. The grid size is defined by the Cell Size option, and is always square.
Changing this option will update the current map, so you can turn the grid on and off as desired. You can disable the grid by unchecking the box labeled "Show Grid?".
Map Styles
Generated maps can be displayed in a couple of stylistic options, as described below.
Changing this option will update the current map, so you can view the same map in multiple styles.
Simple A very basic map style with grey walls, open cells, and letters for stairs (U or D), traps (T), and secret doors (S). This style is available to all users.
Parchment Our default style, with a bit of an old-world look and more stylized symbols for stairs, traps, and secret doors. This style is available to all users.
Subscriber Features
If you would like the following features, please view our subscription plans.
Ad Free
All paid subscribers can use DunGen without ads.
Additional Map Styles
In the future, as we add more map rendering styles, these will be available to our Adventurer and higher tier subscribers. Styles we plan to add in the future include: isometric, pseudo-3d, and possibly a true 3D version.
Find a Path
Adventurer and higher tier subscribers have the ability to show an available path between two points on the map. This uses the A* algorithm to find the shortest available path through the map with (with a preference for unlocked doors).
To find a path through the dungeon, click the "Find a Path" button above the map. This will toggle the pathfinding option on or off. You will then be prompted to click a starting space, and then an ending space. The tool will then highlight the path if one was found (the style of the path may change with the map style).
You can find a new path by clicking a new starting and ending square, or reset the map by clicking the "Clear Map" button. Turning off the "Find a Path" button will also clear the map.
Visibility Settings
Adventurer and higher tier subscribers have access to several settings regarding the display of map features. To change any of these options, click the "Settings" menu option at the top of the tool.
View Traps
Toggle this option to enable or disable the visibility of secret doors on the map. Secret doors will appear as walls when not enabled (but rooms or halls that are only accessible by secret door will still be visible).
View Traps
Toggle this option to enable or disable the visibility of traps that may appear on the map. Traps are always generated with maps, but their visibility is turned off by default. This is so GMs can share maps with their players without giving everything away.
View Room Numbers
Enable or disable the visibility of room numbers.